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Post-doctoral position in "Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry & Air/Sea Exchanges"
published date:2014-01-07

The research group focussing on atmospheric chemistry at the “Institut de Recherches surla Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon” (IRCELYON) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in Atmospheric Chemistry.


This fellowship, for at least two years, focuses on air/sea exchanges driven by light. The scientific motivation of this project is the significant presence of organic compounds at the surface of the ocean. They form the link between ocean biogeochemistry through the physico‐chemical processes near the water‐air interface with primary and secondary aerosol formation and evolution in the air aloft and finally to the climate impact of marine

boundary layer aerosols. However, their photochemistry and photosensitizer properties have only been suggested and discussed but never fully addressed because they were beyond reach. This project suggests going significantly beyond this matter of fact by a combination of innovative tools and the development of new ideas.


This project is therefore devoted to new laboratory investigations of processes occurring at the air sea interface to predict emission, formation and evolution of halogenated radicals and aerosols from this vast interface between oceans and atmosphere. It progresses from fundamental laboratory measurements, marine science, surface chemistry, photochemistry … and is therefore interdisciplinary in nature.


The successful candidate will have access to a wide range of aerosol and associated analytical facilities for both field and laboratory analyses and experimentation.


Applicants should have a background in experimental physical chemistry or physics. Postdoctoral researchers with experience in one or more of kinetics / mass spectrometry / laser photolysis measurements / flow tubes / aerosols are encouraged to apply.


A curriculum vitae, letter of intent and names, addresses and telephone number of three references must be sent electronically to Dr. Christian George.


Contact information:
Christian GEORGE
Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon ‐ IRCELYON
UMR 5256 CNRS/Université Lyon1
2, avenue Albert Einstein
F‐69626 Villeurbanne Cedex
Tel: (33) (0)4 37 42 36 81 & (0)4 72 43 14 89
Mail: Christian.George@ircelyon.univ‐