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International cooperation in scientific research
published date:2013-07-11

The international exchange has always been the feature of our college. Faculty members at the college assume leadership positions at international academic organizations including president and managing director of Ozone Depletion Assessment Committee (EEAP) at United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the International Steering Committee for Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC), the International Association for Water and Sediment Sciences jointly and deputy editors and editors of SCI journals.

 Since 1989 the college has been involved in supporting countries in implementing Montreal Protocol and the Vienna Convention through scientific and technological research work and the technical support in ozone layer protection. Our college compiled China Ozone Depleting Prevention National Program, which is the first national program for developing countries of the world and was translated into six languages. It serves a constructive reference for other developing countries.

 The college focuses on the scientific research collaboration based on independent consciousness, designs major science projects aiming at the problem of our country and organizes international joint research team to work on the solution. In recent years, the college continues to build wide and well-operated networks of domestic and international collaboration, carried out various forms of joint research and jointly published many academic papers. Similarly, the college actively takes part in research projects and make great progress in the collaboration with international partners from European Union, the United States, Singapore, Japan and other regions. From 2009 to 2012, the international collaboration value was reaching 30 million RMB.

 The College of Environmental Science and Engineering employed internationally renowned scholars including Nobel Chemistry Laureate Professor Molina and Professor Crutzen as international advisory council to help with the development of the research and education of the environmental sciences and engineering discipline at our college. We also held a series of high-level international academic conferences, including the recent 12th International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Conference (IGAC) and Atmospheric Brown Clouds Scientific Executive Meeting. Every year, hundreds of teachers and students attend and publish papers at international academic conferences.

Our faculty member participating government and expert Consultation’s fieldwork in "Global Environment Outlook" United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

Collaboration Agreement Signing ceremony

Table 1. International Conferences and Workshops in Environmental Science and Engineering between 2007 and 2011

Conference time Conference Name
October 26 to 29, 2007 12th Pacific area Environmental and Health Sciences Association International Conference / 21st century environment and health: Challenges and Strategies
November 2 to 10, 2008 Environmental Development Center Second Annual Meeting
Febuary 28 to 29, 2008 Chinese Collective Forest Tenure Reform Policy International Symposium
October 19 to 21, 2009 The Second Risk Analysis and Crisis Response International Conference
November 16 to 18, 2009 2009 Ocean Ecological Civilization (Wenzhou) International Forum
August 24 to 30, 2009 International Society of Environmental Epidemiology 2009 Annual Conference
December 27, 2010 Vehicle Society: Symbiotic Win-Win development and the environment
September 17 to 21, 2012 International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Conference (IGAC)
September 12 to 14, 2012 Atmospheric Brown Cloud Scientific Executive Session



Poster Session and Discussion at International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Conference

Seminar Presentation at IGAC Conference