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2024 Aerodyne Mass Spectrometer User Conference
published date:2024-11-27

On November 17-20, 2024, the Aerodyne Mass Spectrometer User Conference were successfully held in the Lecture Hall of the College of Environmental Sciences and EngineeringCESE, Peking University (PKU). The conference was organized by Aerodyne Research Inc. (ARI ) and CESE, PKU, and hosted by Prof. Qi Chen and Aerodyne PKU-CESE Joint Center for Atmospheric Research.

The online monitoring devices developed by ARI, such as aerosol mass spectrometry and chemical ionization mass spectrometry, are widely used in atmospheric chemistry research. The conference aims at promoting knowledge exchange in instrument application and technology development. ARI scientists were invited to give lectures and tutorials. Over 200 scientists, representatives, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from nearly 50 universities and research institutions in China attended the conference.




On November 17th, Prof. Qi Chen from Peking University first expressed welcome and gratitude to the attendees on behalf of the CESE, PKU. Scientists from ARI then introduced recent developments of Aerodyne instruments. In the next scientific forum, Prof. Sally Ng from Georgia Institute of Technology, Prof. Qi Chen from Peking University, Prof. Andreas Wahner, Prof. Hendrik Fuchs and Dr. Anna Novelli from Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany, Prof. Bin Yuan from Jinan University, Dr. Yele Sun from Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Prof. Wei Nie from Nanjing University, Prof. Zhe Wang from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dr. Jean-Eudes Petit from LSCE, France, Prof. Jianzhong Xu from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Dr. Yangmei Zhang from Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Professor Xinlei Gai from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology and Dr. Weiwei Hu from Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, gave invited talks.



On November 18th, scientists from ARI presented detailed updates on the hardware and data analysis of AMS/ACSM and CIMS/VOCUS instruments, discussed various issues raised by the attendees, and had in-depth discussion with Chinese users in split sessions. On November 19th, fourteen teachers, postdoctoral fellows, and Ph.D. students from Peking University, Fudan University, Jinan University, as well as the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, CAS and University of Macau, presented their work on AMS/ACSM, CIMS/VOCUS laboratories and field observations. During the conference, users visited the PKUERS monitoring supersite and Duo/Triple OFR demo set-up. On November 20th, ARI scientists provided tutorials on data analysis of AMS/ACSM and CIMS/VOCUS online mass spectrometers.


In April 2015, together with ARI, CESE-PKU established the Joint Center for Atmospheric Research. Consensus was reached on jointly organizing user conferences, providing training support for research teams, and supporting atmospheric chemistry community in China. In 2017, the Joint Research Center successfully held the first Aerodyne Mass Spectrometer User Conference. In recent years, atmospheric online mass spectrometry technology has developed rapidly. This conference provided an important international platform for knowledge exchange and offered technical guidance and training for graduate students. In the future, the Aerodyne PKU-CESE Joint Center for Atmospheric Research will continue to support the atmospheric chemistry community in China and promote international cooperation in cutting-edge scientific fields.