Title: Canada's Program on Sustainable Hydrogen Production with the Thermochemical Cu-Cl Cycle
Speaker:Greg Naterer, PhD, PEng, FEIC, FCSME, FASME
Time:9:00-10:20 a.m.,Mar.20th
Location:Room 301, Old Geoscience Building, Peking University
Hydrogen is a clean energy carrier and potentially major solution to climate change. A key future challenge is developing a sustainable, low-cost method of hydrogen production with renewable energy. This presentation reports on Canada’s program on the advancement of thermochemical water splitting as an emerging technology for sustainable hydrogen production. The Cu-Cl cycle could be linked with solar energy, nuclear reactors, or other industrial sources of waste heat to achieve much higher efficiencies, lower environmental impact and lower costs of hydrogen production than any other conventional technology. This presentation examines Canada’s recent advances in reactor designs, experimental unit operations, thermal analysis, among other recent developments towards industrialization of the Cu-Cl cycle in Canada.
Greg Naterer is Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Dr. Naterer is an innovative leader in engineering education and research. He has made significant contributions to mechanical engineering in the fields of energy systems, heat transfer and fluid mechanics. He led an international hydrogen energy consortium, involving 8 collaborating institutions, 5 countries and 6 industrial partners, which developed the world’s first large-scale Cu-Cl cycle of thermochemical water splitting for hydrogen production. He has (co-) authored over 200 journal papers, 6 patents, and 3 books in the fields of thermal/fluid and energy systems.
Dr. Naterer has served in prominent national and international leadership roles, including as Chair of the Discovery Grant Committee (Mechanical Engineering) of Canada's Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and Editor-in-Chief of two international journals – AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer; and Energy Technology and Policy. He is the Chair-elect of the Canadian National Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science of Canada (NCDEAS). Among his awards and honors, he received the EIC Julian C. Smith Medal of the Engineering Institute of Canada, the CSME Jules Stachiewitz Medal of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, and a Best Professor Teaching Award. Dr. Naterer is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME), and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).