Topic:“Climate Change Research: an interdisciplinary open invitation”
Time:28th Dec, 2012, 12:15-13:45 pm
Location:Room 301, Old Geology Building
About the lecture:
After more than 20 years negotiations, the international community is frustrated by the fact that a long-term legally binding agreement is still far from reaching. Why is the progress so slow? How can we understand the trend? How can academia work together with governments, international organizations and private sectors to achieve a climate friendly future for all? This presentation will provide a framework with some cases inviting all practitioners and researchers in academia for further collaboration .
Speaker:Zhang Xiaoche
Mr.Zhang is currently working with the Climate Change Practices team at the World Bank Institute. He is the facilitator of Low Carbon Development, Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation and CDM Program of Activities.
He is also an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University. From 2004-2011, Dr. Zhang taught in different universities, such as Peking University and Virginia Tech.